[Friday, March 23, 2007
This is about the latest Hollywood blockbuster named quite to the point, as "300". It is based on a stupendous comic book series by the same name, the creator of which , is the absolutely brilliant Frank Miller. Now, you may have seen another recent movie which based on one of Frank Miller's creations - "V for Vendetta". This movie "300", is being criticized mercilessly for the sheer amount of historical facts being changed at will. But, if you ask me, i just don't care. When you experience the brilliance that is this film, any argument against the movie will just be a moot point. I have never seen anything like this before - the colors, the characters, the music, everything takes you to a whole new level of film making. Ladies, you may not like this movie very much, but the Men, will simply love it. The sheer aggression that is shown in the movie, the action, SFX, the fantastic one-liners, and not to mention- the amount of blood that spills, will surely overwhelm your senses. Now, it will soon be released in India, but i wouldn't recommend watching it in the theatres. Thanks to the Indian Censor board, the movie will be so censored and filtered that, by the time it finally makes it to the big screen on the Indian multiplexes, it would look like you were watching a kiddie movie. Then again, since the entire movie is like one big bloodbath, it probably wouldn't make it past our sappy censor board.
The USP of the movie "300" lies in its aggression, its grisliness. If that is edited out, then it is not worth watching at all. You would do better to get hold of the unedited version of the DVD. Now watch the trailer, i will not say anything more.
Watch the trailer
The Story
At the pass of Thermopylae in 480 B.C., 300 Spartan soldiers under King Leonidas held off the huge Persian army under Xerxes for a couple of days -- just long enough for the rest of the Greek city states to assemble an army to match the Persians. The Spartans died to a man, but their resistance kept the Greek Peninsula from being overwhelmed by the invaders. Frank Miller based his graphic novel on this famous last stand.
yours truly,
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